Showing posts with label Teachings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teachings. Show all posts

Monday 14 December 2015

Understanding The Name And Symbols Of The Holy Spirit.

According to the Bible, The Holy Spirit has Four Significant Names: the Holy Spirit( Often Translated to the Holy Ghost), the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ and the Comforter. Each names has to do with a Paticular Office of the Holy Spirit. Lets look at his name, Then go on to look at his symbols.

Among the Three members of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit particularly has the office of holiness and purity, as His name Signifies. He is the Power that brings Holiness and Purity to the Believer.

Understanding The Personality of The Holy Spirit.

Let Me Beginning by Repeating what i said in the last Teaching. The Holy Spirit has all the Attributes of a Person even though He is Not Visible, He is a Person. As we concluded the Teaching Series of Who They Holy Spirit is, Let look at some biblical proofs of this:

We know The Holy Spirit is a Person because the Bible Continually uses personal pronouns to refer to the Holy Spirit. (John 15:26, 16:7,8 & 13). Lets also examine very Quickly, some functions of a person been performed by the Holy Spirit:

Thursday 10 December 2015


Yesterday, we understand the Holy Spirit to be Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. We went forward to see him as Eternal taking our understanding from (Heb 9:14) among others.
Today, We shall Quickly look at his person as Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent.
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNISCIENT: The Holy Spirit clearly knows all things, even the deep things of God. ( 1 Cor 2:10).
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNIPOTENT: He is the Power of the Highest and Nothing is Impossible with God. (Luke 1:35).


Who is the wonderful and marvelous Holy Spirit of Grace? To have Fellowship and Partner Together with Him we must know him well.
Through impersonal metaphors for the Holy Spirit--Fire, Wind, Water, Oil, dove, and so forth- have a biblical basis, they have been used to such an extent that some people don't really know who he actually is. Let examine some bedrock truth about Him:
Like God the Father and God the Son, the Holy Spirit is a member of the God head. The bible itself calls the Holy Spirit God. (Matt 28:19), Jesus Clearly Set the Holy Spirit in the same position as the Father and the Son. He said that the Holy Spirit had the same authority, power, and glory as the Father and the Son.


Friends; its Sad but True that the Church today is Filled with Plans and Programs for Human Interest. Worship is planned and preserved for fleshly pleasure through social association. There is little interest in hearing from the Holy Spirit, As a result, the church which should be taking care of the work of the kingdom of heaven has become wasted. It is on the brink of bankruptcy and has become an object of ridicule and reproach!
In every city, town and community there are church buildings, yet the spirit of worshippers have become empty and void.

Thursday 3 December 2015


It's important to know that the Holy Spirit is the same Forever and He is with us at every moment. If the Holy Spirit is not able to work, it is because believers today betray and deny Him. They do not depend on Him and pay heed to Him.

Neglect of the Holy Spirit is what makes the powerful gospel become Old news; like antiques in a Museum. In Acts 10:1-8; We Understand that the Holy Spirits works for the deliverance of souls. in (vv 9-20) we see how he made peter not to doubt; but go to the house of the Gentile Cornelius.

Wednesday 2 December 2015


Welcome to a New Month; I want to thank God for the honor given us to see this day. Many desire to see but they are no more. It is my Prayer, that the blessing of this month find fullfillmenf in your life.

I will be sharing with you this month on the Holy Spirit. Today; we shall focus on " The Communion of the Holy Spirit". What is Communion? Communion simply put is To Communicate or To Travel Together. The Splendid development in the society has made it easy for people to Communicate. As Communication and Transportation is Good for the development of the society; The Communion of the Holy Spirit( daily Communication and Constant Fellowship) is essential for our spiritual well-being.


The believer who will malter this end-time is he who is led by the Holy Spirit. The Stars Of God; The Sons of God, are those led by God, not those who stay in church, they are not those who preach 24hrs a day.

The word says The World is waiting for the Manifeastation of the sons of God. When You receive Jesus; You only receive the power to become a Son. You are just a Child. (John 1:12; Gal 4:1).
Your rightful Position can never be yours except you outgrow your childhood. Only sons can ascend thrones. Thrones are for sons not for Children.

Thursday 26 November 2015


I believe that Since Monday; That God has been teaching us on Vision our Understanding are been Opened. Its my prayer that before these teaching Series is over You would have got a clear picture of your God given Vision.

In Hab 2:1-4; We saw God instruction concerning Vision. In Hab 2:3C ".... Though it tarry; wait for it; because it will surely come; it will not tarry". Vision may delay; but surely; it will come to pass. The End of Every Vision is Enthronement. When You get Enthroned you get the Crown. You Therefore own Yourself the responsibility of Discovering that God Appointed Vision.

When God becomes the source of your vision; You can be sure of Enthronement. Let me say these: TRUE VISION DOES NOT SUPPORT BREAK UP OR DIVISION. NO. There is an Appointed time for his Manifestation.



We must have heard about the Two Most Powerful yet Emotional Words that relate with Babies. Which are "ABORTION" and "ADOPTION".

Well; let take it step by step. In Abortion; The baby is not allowed to Survive.It is Terminated;Killed and Forgotten; Whereas; In Adoption, a born baby who is discarded by the mother is taken and carefully care for.
But Am Not Dwelling On the biological Angle of These. What i am talking about is Your Vision. Friends; HOW MANY OF YOUR VISION HAVE YOU ABORTED?. These are the babies referred to in this Context.


Having looked at some definition of both Vision and ministry. Let roundoff today teaching.
Friends; I want you to know that you have a divine assignment. A discovery of this function is what is called Vision. The Pursuit of Your God-given Vision is what i call Your Ministry.

Therefore; NO VISION; NO MINISTRY. You have a Ministry and its Your Responsibility to discover it. As a Man on foot cannot compete with a man on a horse; So Nobody can Compete with your God Given Vision. (Joel 2:7-8).


All over the World Today; an increasing number of people are coming out with one Vision or the Other. Many has Mistaken Dream for Vision. Agreed; We are in the Season of Vision yet there is great need for one to review His or Her Vision. Many has also believe that every Vision leads into Ministry but if the truth must be Told everyone are minister not all are Pulpit Minister.


Tuesday 18 August 2015

How do I prevent immoral thoughts against God? By Gabriel C Onyema

   Even though all kinds of sinful thoughts may pass through our brains, it is our Christian duty not to entertain them because sinful thoughts soon become sinful deeds. When you recognize a sinful thought against God, you must immediately ask for His forgiveness and then ask Him to help you let go of every thought that is not in harmony with His character and His word.

By sincerely laying your sin before Him and asking Him to give you strength where you are weak, He will uplift you and support you.You asked why you think immoral things against God. You think these things because you are an imperfect human being, as we all are. Our imperfect fleshly mind is warring with our spiritual mind. Staying spiritually minded is difficult and not a job that we are capable of doing alone. We need God’s help.

Saturday 27 June 2015

All round sufficences

Image result for revgabrielonyema
Text:2 cor 12:9-10

The only sufficient thing is the grace of God.Grace means perfect strength.Your weakness is now taking over by the strength of God In Jesus Name.

Please note that the text for this Today is 2cor 9:14-15.Grace means undescribable Grace.When people explain God purpose in your life it is not Grace,cause the Grace of God cannot be explained.

God is a God of order.Without preparetion of man there cannot be the visitation of God.Ex 19:11,Amos 4:12,2 Chr 27:6.It is Grace that make Great,but the Grace of God flows through Divine guidance/direction.Divine guidance is the mandate for divine does not take time,it takes God direction. Now, As you get ready for service ensure you prepare very well. Jesus Is Lord.

Understanding The Power Of Faith

Image result for gabriel onyema Ministries I want to welcome you to the Part Three of these great Topic.Understanding The Power Of Faith. In these Part Three, i will be using The Term CONFIDENCE to explain better. And Today we shall see how Confidence shaped Creation and how Confidence comprehends something specific about creation

Confidence sees how the creation was shaped

In this way, confidence helps us to truly comprehend the unverifiable. As such, comprehension concerning the start of the universe require not be a matter of theory or individual assessment. No, confidence considers, and realizes, genuine comprehension in light of the fact that confidence acknowledges the affirmation of God's Word. What's more, the Scriptures unmistakably express that God is the operators of creation. Notification Job 38:1-7, "Then the LORD addressed Job out of the hurricane and said, 'Who is this that obscures guide by words without learning? Presently brace up your loins like a man, and I will ask you, and you educate Me! Where were you when I established the framework of the earth? Let me know, whether you have understanding, who set its estimations, since you know? On the other hand who extended the line on it? On what were its bases sunk? Alternately who laid its foundation, when the morning stars [the angels] sang together, and all the children of God yelled for satisfaction?'" (cf. Is. 40:12ff.). So far as that is concerned, where was anyone to endure witness to how God really realized the creation? How regularly could this expression of arraignment and judgment be leveled against the individuals who might hypothesize out they could call their own fallen reason and dull comprehension. Keep in mind, the uniqueness of Biblical confidence is that it reacts to, and submits in, reality of God. The Word of God conceives confidence, and in that experience of confidence, one knows, comprehends, and is persuaded about reality in perspective.

Tuesday 23 June 2015


                    Faith understands how the creation was formed

Image result for faithSo, faith assists us to really understand the unverifiable. In other words, understanding concerning the beginning of the universe need not be a matter of speculation or personal opinion. No, faith allows for, and brings about, real understanding because faith accepts the testimony of God’s Word. And the Scriptures clearly state that God is the agent of creation. Notice Job 38:1-7, “Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said, ‘Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Now gird up your loins like a man, and I will ask you, and you instruct Me! Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding, who set its measurements, since you know? Or who stretched the line on it? On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars [the angels] sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?'” (cf. Is. 40:12ff.). For that matter, where was anybody to bear witness to how God actually brought about the creation? How often could this word of indictment and judgement be leveled against those who would speculate out of their own fallen reason and dark understanding. Remember, the uniqueness of Biblical faith is that it responds to, and acquiesces in, the truth of God. The Word of God gives birth to faith, and in that experience of faith, one knows, understands, and is convinced about the truth in view.

Saturday 20 June 2015


 Beyond question, revival and spiritual awakening are
preeminent priorities of God’s heart.  If evangelism and
missions are to truly explode, a revived church is
essential.  One thing is certain, great revivals only come
by the effective, fervent prayers of God’s people.  Yet
sadly, many modern believers have not been taught
the key elements of effectively praying for revival and
spiritual awakening.


Image result for revgabrielonyemaLord pharaoh of antiquated egypt thought about the disclosure that seven years of thriving and seven years of starvation lay ahead for the country.He required a man of demonstrated uprightness to assume responsibility of the time of bounty so that the resulting time of need would not be devastating.Finding none among his own particular individuals as wise,he settled for a legitimate and unwavering remote prisoner,Joseph.


The kingdom of God is full of mystries,it takes the holy spirit to unveil this to man,for the knowledge to know the mysteries is given only by the holy spirit.


Image result for MysteriesMystries are divine secreats behind every story in scriptures.>Roms 11:33,Eph 3:1-5.

Types of Mystries.
 1.The Mystries of Salvation,2.The Mystries in the word of the word

Please understand that there are Mystries(Mark 4:11), Hidden Mystries(Eph3:5), and the Great Mystries(1 tim 4:17).


  Not many of us know the wonders of psalms 23, today God Servants Gabriel Chidera Onyema takes us through the blessing of psalm 23, Be Blessed:

The Lord is my Shepherd
  That is Relationship

I shall not want
 That is Supply

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
    That is Rest

He leadeth me beside the still waters
   That is Refreshment

He restoreth my soul
  That is Healing

He leadeth me in the paths of Righteousness
    That is Guidance

For his name Sake
 That is Purpose