Thursday 10 December 2015


Friends; its Sad but True that the Church today is Filled with Plans and Programs for Human Interest. Worship is planned and preserved for fleshly pleasure through social association. There is little interest in hearing from the Holy Spirit, As a result, the church which should be taking care of the work of the kingdom of heaven has become wasted. It is on the brink of bankruptcy and has become an object of ridicule and reproach!
In every city, town and community there are church buildings, yet the spirit of worshippers have become empty and void.

At Antioch, didn't they minister with one accord to the lord as they waited for their divine orders? Didn't they earnestly fast and pray so they could do the work to which the Holy Spirit had Called Them? To evangelize the coming age, We should Again go into the bosom of the Holy Spirit who gives us supernatural power, Wisdom and Guidance. We Should Repent and Open our ears to Him.
One account in Antioch that got me humbled was the one in Acts 13:4. Barnabas and Saul, sent apart by the Holy Spirit for his work. What a thought- Provoking dispatch this was. They Left, Being sent out by the Holy Spirit. They had no Missionary Institution, nor any promise of regular missionary support. Nothing was said About Money, Yet they were sent forth by the Holy Spirit, The Lord of Heaven and Earth.
With such backing, they feared nothing. Of Course, it does not mean that neither a denomination nor money nor mission society was not needed, but they were not sent by a group of people or an institution.
From this we should learn that we should always seek First the guidance of the Holy Spirit and have an obedient and broken spirit that can be led by Him as easily as sheep are led by a shepherd. Only then can the gospel really be preached. If we try to do so without Him, we will sadden the hearts of God, and oppose his plan and providence to save the world.
In all we do, We Should acknowledge Him, Worship Him, Give thanks to Him, Continuously depending on Him and we should remember that he was sent to us by heaven to be our most senior partner in Evangelization and teaching, wants to be invited to be that partner with us.


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