Thursday 3 December 2015


It's important to know that the Holy Spirit is the same Forever and He is with us at every moment. If the Holy Spirit is not able to work, it is because believers today betray and deny Him. They do not depend on Him and pay heed to Him.

Neglect of the Holy Spirit is what makes the powerful gospel become Old news; like antiques in a Museum. In Acts 10:1-8; We Understand that the Holy Spirits works for the deliverance of souls. in (vv 9-20) we see how he made peter not to doubt; but go to the house of the Gentile Cornelius.

What a Wonderful Ministry of the Holy Spirit! He had prepared both Parties- the messenger and the one who received the message. It is beyond our Comprehension how desperately such a ministry of the Holy Spirit is needed today to send a prepared vessel to a prepared Spirit. Truely; God is the Only one who knows the right timing. We see the manifestation in Acts 10:42-45. Friends; such manifestation as recorded or stated in (vv 44,45) could take place only in partnership with the Holy Spirit.( see also Acts 8:27-39, John 14:16, Acts 13:1-4).

From all this accounts, we can learn Several Important Lessons Concerning the relationship between the work of evangelism and the Holy Spirit. In preaching the gospel, The Holy Spirit is Omnipotent, Sovereign.
Without Earnestly waiting upon the Guidance of the Holy Spirit like the Church of Antioch, which ministered to the Lord and Prayed in Spirit, How could one hear the still small voice of the spirit?.


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