Monday 14 December 2015

Understanding The Personality of The Holy Spirit.

Let Me Beginning by Repeating what i said in the last Teaching. The Holy Spirit has all the Attributes of a Person even though He is Not Visible, He is a Person. As we concluded the Teaching Series of Who They Holy Spirit is, Let look at some biblical proofs of this:

We know The Holy Spirit is a Person because the Bible Continually uses personal pronouns to refer to the Holy Spirit. (John 15:26, 16:7,8 & 13). Lets also examine very Quickly, some functions of a person been performed by the Holy Spirit:

* The Holy Spirit Speaks. Rev 2:7.
* The Holy Spirit helps us in our Weakness. Rom 8: 26.
* The Holy Spirit Prays for Us. Rom 8: 26.
* The Holy Spirit Teaches Us. John 14:26.
* The Holy Spirit Testifies of the Lord. John 15:26.
* The Holy Spirit Guide Us. John 16: 13.
* The Holy Spirit Commands People in Their Service of Jesus Christ. Acts 16:6-7.
* The Holy Spirit Calls People to the work of God and Appoints them to Office. Acts 13:2.
* The Holy Spirit comfort believer. Acts 9:31.

We understand that Human have the following Characteristics, Which are: The Knowledge of Things and Facts; Feelings such as joy, anger, pleasure and sorrow, and the will to decide one's attitudes towards these feelings. Does The Holy Spirit have all these attributes?

Yes, According to 1 Cor 2:10, Knowledge is ascribed to the Holy Spirit, Rom 8:27. Secondly, The Holy Spirit has Emotions and Feeling,( Rom 5:5, Eph 4:30 & Rom 8:26); Third, The Holy Spirit has a will and plan, He works according to His will and plan. ( 1Cor 12:11, Acts 16:6-7).

One of the most Foolish things People try to do today is use the Holy Spirit for their own purposes. The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal entity, some inanimate object or an unknown power to be used. NO, He is a real person, and He uses people for his own work according to his will.
Friends, over the years, I found out that my Total obedience to the voice of the Lord brought good evangelistic results and fruit for the kingdom of God. Again, From Personal Experience, I can tell you that the Holy Spirit has a Will and a Way to make that will know.

The Holy Spirit's Personal Nature is the Reason our worship of Him is Important. Praise His Holy Name; He Responds as a Personality----- Perfect as He is God.


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