Monday 14 December 2015

Understanding The Name And Symbols Of The Holy Spirit.

According to the Bible, The Holy Spirit has Four Significant Names: the Holy Spirit( Often Translated to the Holy Ghost), the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ and the Comforter. Each names has to do with a Paticular Office of the Holy Spirit. Lets look at his name, Then go on to look at his symbols.

Among the Three members of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit particularly has the office of holiness and purity, as His name Signifies. He is the Power that brings Holiness and Purity to the Believer.

In many biblical passages the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of God and it is very appropriate that the Holy Spirit be called the Spirit of God, as the Spirit is sent by God.( Gen 1:2, Eph 4:30, 1Cor 2:11 & John 15:26). The bible also calls the Holy Spirit thr Spirit of God because God works through the Holy Spirit, calling sinners to Jesus the Savior (John 6:44), revealing the Truth (Matt 11:25) and leading believers (Rom 8:14).

He is called the Spirit of Christ, because Jesus shed upon believers the Holy Spirit whom he had received of the father. (Acts 2:33, Rom 8:9). Over and Over Again, Time and Time Again, Jesus said that thr Holy Spirit would come in his place and continue His Works (John 14:16-20). Let me say this; The Holy Spirit is not different from the Spirit of Christ and should not be seen as such.

John 15:26, Jesus called the Holy Spirit " Comforter", a name of endless mercy. The Comforter is the one who gives Solace and is called to stand by the side of a person in difficulty. He Counsels,Pleads, Entreats, Can gain Victory over his Opponents.

Lets Think more deeply about the Words of Jesus;In John 14:16, It seems evident that Jesus Considered Himself the First Comforter, because He describes the Holy Spirit, Who would take his place and work in His name as "another" Comforter.( 1John 2:1, John 14:16 & 26 & Gal 1:6).

Surprisingly, When Jesus referred to " Another Comforter", He used the words ALLOS PARAKLETOS. Why? Because, although the Holy Spirit is a different person from Jesus, He is the same Comforter; Of the Same Divine Nature and With The Same Purpose as Jesus. He Glorifies the name of Jesus, Instead of Himself, and works in the Place of Jesus.
herefore, The Indwelling of Our Comforter, The Holy Spirit is Analogous to the Presence of Jesus.


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