Wednesday 2 December 2015


The believer who will malter this end-time is he who is led by the Holy Spirit. The Stars Of God; The Sons of God, are those led by God, not those who stay in church, they are not those who preach 24hrs a day.

The word says The World is waiting for the Manifeastation of the sons of God. When You receive Jesus; You only receive the power to become a Son. You are just a Child. (John 1:12; Gal 4:1).
Your rightful Position can never be yours except you outgrow your childhood. Only sons can ascend thrones. Thrones are for sons not for Children.

The Subject of Sensitivity to the Spirit is crucial to our achievement of success because the Bible classifies Sons of God as those led by the Spirit of God. Only those led by the Spirit can ascend their Thrones. At New Birth, The Power and Ability to be Sensitive to the Spirit is deposited in You. You are a candidates for Spiritual Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. It is your birthright to be able to hear the Holy Spirit talk to you on Life's Issues.

Gabriel Chidera Onyema
Teacher/Relationship Cons & Public Speaker.


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