Showing posts with label Hybrid Corner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hybrid Corner. Show all posts

Thursday 26 November 2015

Sharing Your Moment

We can't share all our moments! Because the blissfullness of our entanglement with diverse people that comes through our path each day of our lives is engrafted in nature. There is only one avenue in which we can reach the far whole of nature. Charity is the only tool that we could only exhibits. This great entity makes our humanity superfluous in touching the parts of every natural creatures; the one's above us and the one's below our connectivity. Nature stretches itself in the cardinals of generosity. So, only those who have generous heart can decode the beautiful expression of nature. Unhumane people can't have part in nature! So it depends on us to free ourselves from our self- enslavement into a natural embracement!

Let Your Day Be Full Of Beautiful Expressions

Let your day be full of beautiful expressions! Keep daily your thoughts with good stuffs that would make you free from negative things. Be conscious of what goes into you and goes out from you; either pictured by you or inserted- in by others around you. In some cases, our beliefs as humans should be independent of what we hold unto not what others feel about us. Self-belief at times create a room for we to assess ourself. Rather than what others view about us. I'm not saying it is wrong for people to examine the way we live our life,but i hope its our right to reflect over our lifestyle. Thank God that we have fundamental laws that permits us to live our life the way we want it. But, we must admit this, that, a life that lack correction would end up in destruction!
nevertheless, it pays to live your life the way it pleases you and others.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Nuggets By Gabriel C Onyema

Hey Listen To These: God did not create woman from man's head, that he should command her, nor from his feet, that she should be his slave, but rather from his side, that she should be near his heart.


Marital faithfulness involves more than just sexual fidelity. Being faithful to your wife also means defending her and affirming her beauty, intelligence, and integrity at all times, particularly before other people. Faithfulness to your husband means sticking up for him, always building him up and never tearing him down. Marital fidelity means that your spouse's health, happiness, security, and welfare take a higher place in your life than anything else except your own relationship with the Lord.

Saturday 27 June 2015


Stanley Edoziem ChinedumFeel happy because life is a journey and not a destination
It doesn't take takes God! Yes GOD!!!
Its rough doesn't mean it can't get smooth
It gets you sick and weird but always remember that it takes the living to make a living.
It is bad they say, but keep it bold by saying I CAN SEE THE LIFTING
You are not like it they say....SCREAM IT LOUD AND SAY "I MUST GET THERE"!!
#Marchured31......Lets bring back the hope in us!
__Stanley N. Chinedum

The Big Mind

Image result for big mind A life full of ideas rules the world. The greatness of every individual is resided on the ability to see and meditate on the issues that bugs the human sphere. Great People are known for their active participation in dealing with challenges that occurs in everyday life. They are never satisfied in searching for the solution and creating life-applicable methods that could help to subside all human problems.

 These Sets of Revolutionary Armies are never relentless in drilling their Intelligent bank(Brain) in solving Humanity Aches. They are the Individuals that thrive through books,Live beyond Criticisms, Stand Boldly against Persecutions. I can Sense an Earth Shaking Revival that will spread across the four cords of the earth to unfold a new breed of giants! I can see you being enlisted among these set of  ``BIG MINDS!``.

Friday Frederick

Saturday 20 June 2015


There are some'vacuum content' in our society today. They are the individuals in our midst that has no capacity to esteem their self courage towards fulfilling their core obligation in life. It is great sadity that such individuals are not given the attention or either being inspired to achieve and utilize their untapped potentials. The loopside of their life has not been corrected by the stimulated advise that could innoculate their mindset towards unfolding their adamant self. I am hopeful that this outcasted persons has some intent-talent that could unloose their' long-held' personality. Let us give others hope for a better future, through our electrifying advise. There is a soul that count on you! Frederickfridayonwuka.