Thursday 10 December 2015


Yesterday, we understand the Holy Spirit to be Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. We went forward to see him as Eternal taking our understanding from (Heb 9:14) among others.
Today, We shall Quickly look at his person as Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent.
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNISCIENT: The Holy Spirit clearly knows all things, even the deep things of God. ( 1 Cor 2:10).
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNIPOTENT: He is the Power of the Highest and Nothing is Impossible with God. (Luke 1:35).

THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNIPRESENT: The book of Psalm 139 expresses well the Omnipresence of The Holy Spirit. (Ps 139:7-8).
So isn't The Holy Spirit--- Who is Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent--- God?. The Holy Spirit is also Majestic and Holy and Glorious as is The Father and The Son. Having Study the First bedrock Truth about The Holy Spirit; Lets Examine More:
Let me Say that it is Only a being with a Personality can Understand our Problems and Give us help. We cannot have dialogue with Stones, Trees or an Impersonal Force. No, but being a divine person, The Holy Spirit can deeply understand our affairs and help us. This Enable us to seek his help.
You might ask how do i Know that the Holy Spirit is a Person?. Dear; This is made clear in the Bible. People often do not distinguish between the Personality and Corporeality. Now, When we say that any entity is a Person, Some wrongly understand this to mean that this entity must have a fleshly form. Its Important to know that Jesus did not have a Fleshly Form like ours after He had Resurrected. (2 Cor 5:16, 1 Cor 15:44). Does this mean that Jesus lost his Personality? Of Course Not.
I don't know any believer who would disagree with the statement that the Father is a living Person, Yet no one has ever seen God, For God is a Spirit (John 4:24). An Entity is a Person regardless of its Corporeality; if it has the attributes of a person.


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