Thursday 3 December 2015


Pastor. Mrs Folu Adeboye.
Mummy G.O. as she is popularly called has been a strong pillar and efficient planner that complements the efforts of her husband, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E. A. Adeboye. She is endowed with immense initiative, and great capacity for hard work. Her attributes have helped the G.O obey God’s command to be great. Mummy G.O. has not only been mother to her biological children and grandchildren, she has been mother to RCCG spiritual children and more importantly has been shouldering numerous responsibilities on behalf of the Redeemed Christian Church of God mission.

Children and Education
Directorate of Teens and Children Education
In 1981, Pastor Mrs. Adeboye took up the Children Sunday School with a few teachers. She was the only one writing out the Sunday school manual until 1999, when the children office was set up and the children Sunday school manual was given a new name called the Zeal. Today, the Zeal is in great demand by other Missions for its value and positive results in the lives of Teenagers and Children globally. Teacher’s Conferences are hosted annually to give teachers induction course and charge them for the task ahead. Presently, the Directorate of Teens and Children Education is waxing stronger and growing higher on a daily basis.

Christ the Redeemer’s Schools Movement (CRSM)
In 1981, Pastor E. A. Adeboye set the pace for the establishment of the formal educational arm of CRM. He stressed that the establishment of schools was necessary for the children of God to avoid staying with ungodly nannies. Mummy G.O. took up the challenge having had 15 years teaching experience in primary and secondary schools. The first nursery school was started in 1982 at Ebute-Metta where it shared the RCCG Headquarters building. Mummy Dele as the first teacher. Through the unyielding personal efforts of the General Overseer and his wife, the primary arm was introduced four years after the take off of the primary school. Today, there are fifty-eight (58) CRSM nursery/primary schools in twenty-three states in Nigeria. As at July 2008, there are six RCCG Secondary schools, one science academy, and the Redeemers University for Nations (RUN).

School of Disciples (SOD)
Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye is the Vice President (CRM) in charge of Education under whose leadership the school of Disciple falls. The school of Disciples offers one year Discipleship Training programme popularly called “The Accelerated Discipleship Program” (ADP). The school is well spread in all states of Nigeria and has spread to many countries of the world especially along West Africa, Europe, UK and Ireland, Hong Kong and North America to mention a few.
Women Affairs

Women in Ministry
The annual Women in Ministry program is for all female ministers in the RCCG in Nigeria and abroad. This annual gathering holds in February of each year at the Redemption Camp in Nigeria. The purpose of this program is to meet with the Lord in His Word, to seek the Lord for solutions together, receive enlightenment for their roles in Ministry as RCCG Pastors’ wives, and address peculiar women’s problems. Additionally, the program seeks to train RCCG Pastors’ wives how to be proper Disciples of Christ hoping to make heaven at last. An important aspect of the annual Women in Ministry Conference is the RCCG Midwives refresher course which usually holds on the first day of the Conference. Yearly meetings feature talks, seminars, sings, drama, questions and answers with much praying.

Courage Magazine
Courage Magazine is the official publication of RCCG women for the purpose of disseminating information on issues of the day as they affect Christian Women. It highlights the programs of RCCG Provinces, Areas, or Parishes within and outside Nigeria, to encourage women to trust in the Lord, no matter the circumstances they find themselves. The magazine has recently been upgraded to make it of international standard in terms of appeal and acceptance.

Welfare and Hospitality
Hospitality and Housekeeping
The Redemption Camp, as the name suggests, was an isolated place where the faithful would physically separate themselves from their normal everyday living environment to concentrate on prayers and supplications to the Almighty God. Over the years, those who came for prayers (members and non-members) had one reason or the other to stay beyond a day, and finding accommodation for them was gradually becoming a problem. In addition, the church started moving a lot of programs to the camp including the monthly Holy Ghost Services which moved to the camp in 1986. This was hitherto held at the National Headquarters at Ebute-Metta. Today, the facilities Hospitality and Housekeeping unit include the International Guest House; the Redemption Resort; the White House Suites and other Chalets.

The Protocol Unit
The Protocol Unit is responsible for the care of both foreign and local guests whenever the annual convention, monthly Holy Ghost services and international programs like the Holy Ghost Congress are taking place. Foreign guests are usually received straight from the airport and conveyed to the Camp. The welcome party made up of selected and trusted members of the Protocol unit would check the guests into their accommodation and generally facilitate their comfort, providing them with necessary information and other logistic support. The protocol unit also cares for dignitaries that visit the RCCG mission.

The National Kitchen
Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye (MGO) has been in charge of the kitchen since the 1977 Congress. Later in 1980, Papa Akindayomi, having attended the congress at Ijebu-Igbo and seen how well it was organised, most especially the feeding aspect, immediately prayed for, and handed the convention cooking and hospitality to Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye. This department cooks for foreign guests, children and Teens department, all males and females, mothers of babies in the maternity, the sick at the clinic and all departments during Conventions, Congress and special Holy Ghost Service.
Certain Women
This welfare ministry caters to the emotional, financial, material and spiritual needs of widows both within and outside the church.

Missionary Outreaches
African Missions
During one of the many mission trips to the West African Coast, Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye decided to address the deplorable state of the countries and churches in the West African coast and the consequent effect on the standard of living of the inhabitants of these countries and the missionaries of the churches. The mission is to promote the spread of the gospel in Africa and around the world; to promote the development of sustainable holistic programs in Africa and around the world and to promote services that will improve the quality of life of children, youth and families in Africa and around the world. African Missions has undertaken several projects like the construction of church building, classroom blocks, clinics/maternities, staff quarters and student dormitories to mention a few. Today African Missions has chapters in Nigeria, the United Kingdom, North America, South Africa, Canada, Central Africa and West Africa.

Wholistic Outreach
Wholistic outreach is a ministry that evangelizes prostitutes in major hotels in the cities within and outside Nigeria. The products of the evangelism led to the setting of a rehabilitation home in Ikorodu called God’s Offspring Home. This Home was inaugurated on the 28th September, 2004 with four girls as disciples (One of them pregnant) and 6 children. Three of the girls were converts from hotels while the other disciple was a homeless young single mother. This project is very crucial at this time in history when there is an onslaught of immorality and family disintegration in the society. Today, there are fifteen daughters and eight children. The rehabilitation has been built in Loburo.

Habitation of Hope
The Habitation of Hope Ministry is a home for rehabilitation of boys taken off the streets after living a wild life. The purpose of the home is to give such boys a future and a hope in Christ. The Ministry started when Mummy G.O. gave a body of believers the vision to evangelise and salvage the perishing generation in a village called Kuramo on Victoria Island part of Lagos. These children, who lived and slept on the beach, were involved in petty armed robbery, sale of Indian hemp and roadside begging. The boys between the ages of 12 and 20 attend classes in the Hope Academy. In addition to the academic education, the school also gives vocational training in basket weaving, artwork and music. Because the priority of the Habitation of Hope is to raise and secure boys in Christ, emphasis is on discipleship and Christian doctrine.

Heritage Homes
The RCCG Heritage Home was established in 1993 by the Good Women of RCCG who chose to clothe, feed, shelter and most importantly train orphans and abandoned children to become disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. For over 15 years, the church has been caring for abandoned children, orphans as well as the less privileged children in the Heritage Home. The Home offers much more than the basic needs of life including, but not limited to formal and vocational education to provide solid assurance for their tomorrow. Most importantly they are brought up in the fear of the Lord.


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