Showing posts with label singles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label singles. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Nuggets By Gabriel C Onyema

Hey Listen To These: God did not create woman from man's head, that he should command her, nor from his feet, that she should be his slave, but rather from his side, that she should be near his heart.

How are we to understand Love from Ps. 119?

In Psalm 119:124 it says "deal with your servant according to your 'love'" but in previous verse it talks about "preserve my life according to your word" vs 37 "do good according to your word" vs 65. Also in verse 107. Why is it that he says “love” in that verse instead of “word” like in the previous verse?We know God always keeps His word. 2 Cor. 1:20 (NIV), "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ. And so through him the 'Amen' is spoken by us to the glory of God."


Marital faithfulness involves more than just sexual fidelity. Being faithful to your wife also means defending her and affirming her beauty, intelligence, and integrity at all times, particularly before other people. Faithfulness to your husband means sticking up for him, always building him up and never tearing him down. Marital fidelity means that your spouse's health, happiness, security, and welfare take a higher place in your life than anything else except your own relationship with the Lord.

Wednesday 22 July 2015


This year has indeed been very informative, and God has wondrously taught us His Word. I am ever privileged to be the vessel God uses to bring His Word to you, and I know that you have been richly blessed. To crown up this blessed day, we shall be examining the topic: Will you marry me?

This question is what many single ladies yearn to hear; but many single men however, find it hard to ask this question for so many reasons. Many ladies, who have had the opportunity of being asked the question, either jump at it or entirely lose the opportunity, because they do not know what to watch out for, what to say or how to say it.
Image result for will you marry me

Many men and women remain single, believing God for their own life partners in marriage, without making any effort to do that which will bring this blessing their way.  You may be wondering how possible it is to find a marriage partner, amongst so many choices. You may even begin to think that it is impossible to find the right person in a world that is full of different characters, pretenses, uncertainties and changes.

In this edition, I will be revealing to you, some Bible truths on how to find your own marriage partner. God has made some spiritual tools available in His Word on how to find a partner, but you have to search. God’s Word in Proverbs 18:20 says:  Whoso findeth a wife, findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Spinster stage and Family Pressure

Image result for black spinster and family pressure
Today, I will be conveying to you a showing I have subtitled, Spinster stage and Family Pressure. I might begin by characterizing a few terms:

Who is a Spinster?

The American Heritage Dictionary characterizes an old maid as: A lady who has stayed single past the customary age for wedding or a solitary lady. Spinsterhood is a condition whereby a lady stays single past the traditional age for marriage.


The American Heritage Dictionary characterizes Pressure as: A convincing or compelling impact, for example, an ethical power, on the psyche or will. Accordingly, family weight on an old maid can be said to be a convincing impact on the psyche or will of an old maid to get hitched, as an aftereffect of her having passed the traditional age for marriage.

Monday 29 June 2015


Image result for beautiful black christian girlsThe adage goes that there's stand out chance to make a decent initial introduction. This truism applies to all

parts of our lives, however particularly to our own appearance. Having a decent appearance doesn't mean having the most well known pattern or the most costly

apparel that exists, however being clean, slick and clean. It brings us wellbeing and amicability, it supports our self-regard

also, makes our spouses experience passionate feelings for us over and over. Who could request much else?

Looking great must be a need, this is the reason I will give you some counsel about the things you can incorporate in your every day list with a specific end goal to dependably look sure and excellent.