Saturday 27 June 2015

The Big Mind

Image result for big mind A life full of ideas rules the world. The greatness of every individual is resided on the ability to see and meditate on the issues that bugs the human sphere. Great People are known for their active participation in dealing with challenges that occurs in everyday life. They are never satisfied in searching for the solution and creating life-applicable methods that could help to subside all human problems.

 These Sets of Revolutionary Armies are never relentless in drilling their Intelligent bank(Brain) in solving Humanity Aches. They are the Individuals that thrive through books,Live beyond Criticisms, Stand Boldly against Persecutions. I can Sense an Earth Shaking Revival that will spread across the four cords of the earth to unfold a new breed of giants! I can see you being enlisted among these set of  ``BIG MINDS!``.

Friday Frederick


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