Saturday 27 June 2015

All round sufficences

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Text:2 cor 12:9-10

The only sufficient thing is the grace of God.Grace means perfect strength.Your weakness is now taking over by the strength of God In Jesus Name.

Please note that the text for this Today is 2cor 9:14-15.Grace means undescribable Grace.When people explain God purpose in your life it is not Grace,cause the Grace of God cannot be explained.

God is a God of order.Without preparetion of man there cannot be the visitation of God.Ex 19:11,Amos 4:12,2 Chr 27:6.It is Grace that make Great,but the Grace of God flows through Divine guidance/direction.Divine guidance is the mandate for divine does not take time,it takes God direction. Now, As you get ready for service ensure you prepare very well. Jesus Is Lord.


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