Thursday 26 November 2015



We must have heard about the Two Most Powerful yet Emotional Words that relate with Babies. Which are "ABORTION" and "ADOPTION".

Well; let take it step by step. In Abortion; The baby is not allowed to Survive.It is Terminated;Killed and Forgotten; Whereas; In Adoption, a born baby who is discarded by the mother is taken and carefully care for.
But Am Not Dwelling On the biological Angle of These. What i am talking about is Your Vision. Friends; HOW MANY OF YOUR VISION HAVE YOU ABORTED?. These are the babies referred to in this Context.

The Babies i am talking about Signify Your Vision;Goals and Dreams. Dearies; How many of these your "babies" have you killed simply because you thought they wouldn't be useful to you or the World in General.
How many of your Goals and Vision have you flushed down the drain simply because you never had the money to "Take Care" of them? Listen; Just as a woman disposes of her 'Unwanted' baby; So most of us disposed of our not looking Good Visions.

The truth is... No One Gives Himself A Vision. Every true Vision Comes from God. You Either like it or Leave it. If the truth must be Told. In Your Vision; There Your Destiny Lives. Great Destiny Lives in God Given Vision. Like i said In the last; Periodical; No Vision is Useless or Small. It's Just a Function of PLACE; PERSON and TIME.

Someone else can adopt that Vision and use it for something worthwhile and before long; a Multimillion dollar worth corporation is built with it. That Place where You are May not be Good enough to Foster such Vision; but in another place, it is capable of making the 'adopter' rich and famous by Simply using it.

Hear me: Don't abort your 'baby' for if you do; another may adopt it and you may be selling your "birthright" so cheaply. I encourage you to Work on that Vision;Expand It; Grow it. Make it Work. It may not produce the desired results now but don't go of it; don't flush it away.

Remain Blessed.

The Declaretion of Your Identity is the Revelation of Your Personality.


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