Thursday 26 November 2015


Having looked at some definition of both Vision and ministry. Let roundoff today teaching.
Friends; I want you to know that you have a divine assignment. A discovery of this function is what is called Vision. The Pursuit of Your God-given Vision is what i call Your Ministry.

Therefore; NO VISION; NO MINISTRY. You have a Ministry and its Your Responsibility to discover it. As a Man on foot cannot compete with a man on a horse; So Nobody can Compete with your God Given Vision. (Joel 2:7-8).

No man givea himself a vision. Every True Vision comes from God. Vision is God-Given while Ambition is man-made. Only God given vision can enable a visionary to bring it to fruition. No man gives himself a vision and No man places himself in a Office. (Eph 4:11).

Only Visionaries become Great in the kingdom. Locate Your function and begin to Manifest in it. The future of every believer depends on the discovery of his Function.
As we roundup please Understand that: No Calling is of a low status. Every Calling; Every Function is a high Calling; Every Calling Culminates In Glory.


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