Monday 14 December 2015

Understanding The Name And Symbols Of The Holy Spirit.

According to the Bible, The Holy Spirit has Four Significant Names: the Holy Spirit( Often Translated to the Holy Ghost), the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ and the Comforter. Each names has to do with a Paticular Office of the Holy Spirit. Lets look at his name, Then go on to look at his symbols.

Among the Three members of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit particularly has the office of holiness and purity, as His name Signifies. He is the Power that brings Holiness and Purity to the Believer.

Understanding The Personality of The Holy Spirit.

Let Me Beginning by Repeating what i said in the last Teaching. The Holy Spirit has all the Attributes of a Person even though He is Not Visible, He is a Person. As we concluded the Teaching Series of Who They Holy Spirit is, Let look at some biblical proofs of this:

We know The Holy Spirit is a Person because the Bible Continually uses personal pronouns to refer to the Holy Spirit. (John 15:26, 16:7,8 & 13). Lets also examine very Quickly, some functions of a person been performed by the Holy Spirit:

Continuation...FACTS ABOUT SEX

Gabriel C.U. Onyema
I want to believe the Lord is at work over your Marital destiny and purpose in life. We have no Choice than to continue from where we stop since we are set for perfection.
Relish life with the spouse you love each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is God’s gift.” Ecclesiastes 9:9

Thursday 10 December 2015


Yesterday, we understand the Holy Spirit to be Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. We went forward to see him as Eternal taking our understanding from (Heb 9:14) among others.
Today, We shall Quickly look at his person as Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent.
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNISCIENT: The Holy Spirit clearly knows all things, even the deep things of God. ( 1 Cor 2:10).
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNIPOTENT: He is the Power of the Highest and Nothing is Impossible with God. (Luke 1:35).


Who is the wonderful and marvelous Holy Spirit of Grace? To have Fellowship and Partner Together with Him we must know him well.
Through impersonal metaphors for the Holy Spirit--Fire, Wind, Water, Oil, dove, and so forth- have a biblical basis, they have been used to such an extent that some people don't really know who he actually is. Let examine some bedrock truth about Him:
Like God the Father and God the Son, the Holy Spirit is a member of the God head. The bible itself calls the Holy Spirit God. (Matt 28:19), Jesus Clearly Set the Holy Spirit in the same position as the Father and the Son. He said that the Holy Spirit had the same authority, power, and glory as the Father and the Son.


Friends; its Sad but True that the Church today is Filled with Plans and Programs for Human Interest. Worship is planned and preserved for fleshly pleasure through social association. There is little interest in hearing from the Holy Spirit, As a result, the church which should be taking care of the work of the kingdom of heaven has become wasted. It is on the brink of bankruptcy and has become an object of ridicule and reproach!
In every city, town and community there are church buildings, yet the spirit of worshippers have become empty and void.

FACTS ABOUT SEX By Gabriel Onyema

I want to believe the Lord is at work over your Marital destiny and purpose in life. We have no Choice than to continue from where we stop since we are set for perfection.
Relish life with the spouse you love each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is God’s gift.” Ecclesiastes 9:9
In 1609, a doctor named Wecker found a corpse in Bologna with two penises. There have been 80 documented cases since. No One is sure if having two penises is a good thing or simply a nuisance. Two cases of blue balls? Not fun.

Thursday 3 December 2015


Pastor. Mrs Folu Adeboye.
Mummy G.O. as she is popularly called has been a strong pillar and efficient planner that complements the efforts of her husband, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E. A. Adeboye. She is endowed with immense initiative, and great capacity for hard work. Her attributes have helped the G.O obey God’s command to be great. Mummy G.O. has not only been mother to her biological children and grandchildren, she has been mother to RCCG spiritual children and more importantly has been shouldering numerous responsibilities on behalf of the Redeemed Christian Church of God mission.


It's important to know that the Holy Spirit is the same Forever and He is with us at every moment. If the Holy Spirit is not able to work, it is because believers today betray and deny Him. They do not depend on Him and pay heed to Him.

Neglect of the Holy Spirit is what makes the powerful gospel become Old news; like antiques in a Museum. In Acts 10:1-8; We Understand that the Holy Spirits works for the deliverance of souls. in (vv 9-20) we see how he made peter not to doubt; but go to the house of the Gentile Cornelius.


Self discovery is a personal business and a pointer to a life - long fulfilling destiny. When it comes to self - discovery, people get skeptical as they begin to wonder why they need to discover themselves before entering a relationship. As a man, you need to find your purpose first, there's no point over-emphasizing on it, know why God created you first before adding a woman with another life to yourself then you become double.

Relationship means carrying another's affairs on your own affair, the case becomes worse if you as an individual is pointless, having no bearing or direction. The case becomes aggravated if you as an individual have no case to pursue, no VISION, nothing to trigger you.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Happy New Month.

You are welcome into your month of Total Accomplishment. For the LORD GOD shall thoroughly accomplish all the good Works He started from January in this December. No carry over IJN. Every thing and Every blessings that is yours shall all be given to you wholly this month. The blood of JESUS Christ has given you Power, Riches, Wisdom, Strength, Honour, Glory and blessing! Rev. 5:12. Rejoice, it is your month to Testify and Celebrate!!!!!!! Happy new month.

Gabriel C. Onyema.


Welcome to a New Month; I want to thank God for the honor given us to see this day. Many desire to see but they are no more. It is my Prayer, that the blessing of this month find fullfillmenf in your life.

I will be sharing with you this month on the Holy Spirit. Today; we shall focus on " The Communion of the Holy Spirit". What is Communion? Communion simply put is To Communicate or To Travel Together. The Splendid development in the society has made it easy for people to Communicate. As Communication and Transportation is Good for the development of the society; The Communion of the Holy Spirit( daily Communication and Constant Fellowship) is essential for our spiritual well-being.


The believer who will malter this end-time is he who is led by the Holy Spirit. The Stars Of God; The Sons of God, are those led by God, not those who stay in church, they are not those who preach 24hrs a day.

The word says The World is waiting for the Manifeastation of the sons of God. When You receive Jesus; You only receive the power to become a Son. You are just a Child. (John 1:12; Gal 4:1).
Your rightful Position can never be yours except you outgrow your childhood. Only sons can ascend thrones. Thrones are for sons not for Children.

Thursday 26 November 2015


Mothers Are not only Home Builders they are Success Maker.




The Declaretion of Your Identity is the Revelation of Your Personality.

Sharing Your Moment

We can't share all our moments! Because the blissfullness of our entanglement with diverse people that comes through our path each day of our lives is engrafted in nature. There is only one avenue in which we can reach the far whole of nature. Charity is the only tool that we could only exhibits. This great entity makes our humanity superfluous in touching the parts of every natural creatures; the one's above us and the one's below our connectivity. Nature stretches itself in the cardinals of generosity. So, only those who have generous heart can decode the beautiful expression of nature. Unhumane people can't have part in nature! So it depends on us to free ourselves from our self- enslavement into a natural embracement!


"Action to the mortals is a spontaneous effect to a course of an event. But to the immortals; it's a quick execution to judgement that can never be altered."

'Man's incapability to trap down is selfish interests is what is drawing horrors to him.' 


Keep ur feet on d ground,but let ur heart soar as high as it will.Refuse to be average or 2 surrender to d choll of ur spiritual environment.
Maturity is the ability to tink,speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity.the measure of ur maturity is how spiritual u become durin the midst of ur frustration...


Before God blesses you, you must first of all indicate yourself by 'standing out' how!?? Ask zaccheaus who climbed the sycamore tree, he stood out of the crowd and that caught JESUS.. attention. What can you do to catch Jesus attention? If you want to be blessed you must leave the crowd and stand out!!

Let Your Day Be Full Of Beautiful Expressions

Let your day be full of beautiful expressions! Keep daily your thoughts with good stuffs that would make you free from negative things. Be conscious of what goes into you and goes out from you; either pictured by you or inserted- in by others around you. In some cases, our beliefs as humans should be independent of what we hold unto not what others feel about us. Self-belief at times create a room for we to assess ourself. Rather than what others view about us. I'm not saying it is wrong for people to examine the way we live our life,but i hope its our right to reflect over our lifestyle. Thank God that we have fundamental laws that permits us to live our life the way we want it. But, we must admit this, that, a life that lack correction would end up in destruction!
nevertheless, it pays to live your life the way it pleases you and others.


I believe that Since Monday; That God has been teaching us on Vision our Understanding are been Opened. Its my prayer that before these teaching Series is over You would have got a clear picture of your God given Vision.

In Hab 2:1-4; We saw God instruction concerning Vision. In Hab 2:3C ".... Though it tarry; wait for it; because it will surely come; it will not tarry". Vision may delay; but surely; it will come to pass. The End of Every Vision is Enthronement. When You get Enthroned you get the Crown. You Therefore own Yourself the responsibility of Discovering that God Appointed Vision.

When God becomes the source of your vision; You can be sure of Enthronement. Let me say these: TRUE VISION DOES NOT SUPPORT BREAK UP OR DIVISION. NO. There is an Appointed time for his Manifestation.



We must have heard about the Two Most Powerful yet Emotional Words that relate with Babies. Which are "ABORTION" and "ADOPTION".

Well; let take it step by step. In Abortion; The baby is not allowed to Survive.It is Terminated;Killed and Forgotten; Whereas; In Adoption, a born baby who is discarded by the mother is taken and carefully care for.
But Am Not Dwelling On the biological Angle of These. What i am talking about is Your Vision. Friends; HOW MANY OF YOUR VISION HAVE YOU ABORTED?. These are the babies referred to in this Context.


Having looked at some definition of both Vision and ministry. Let roundoff today teaching.
Friends; I want you to know that you have a divine assignment. A discovery of this function is what is called Vision. The Pursuit of Your God-given Vision is what i call Your Ministry.

Therefore; NO VISION; NO MINISTRY. You have a Ministry and its Your Responsibility to discover it. As a Man on foot cannot compete with a man on a horse; So Nobody can Compete with your God Given Vision. (Joel 2:7-8).


All over the World Today; an increasing number of people are coming out with one Vision or the Other. Many has Mistaken Dream for Vision. Agreed; We are in the Season of Vision yet there is great need for one to review His or Her Vision. Many has also believe that every Vision leads into Ministry but if the truth must be Told everyone are minister not all are Pulpit Minister.




Feel happy because life is a journey and not a destination
It doesn't take takes God! Yes GOD!!!
Its rough doesn't mean it can't get smooth
It gets you sick and weird but always remember that it takes the living to make a living.
It is bad they say, but keep it bold by saying I CAN SEE THE LIFTING
You are not like it they say....SCREAM IT LOUD AND SAY "I MUST GET THERE"!!
#Marchured31......Lets bring back the hope in us!
__Stanley N. Chinedum

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Nuggets By Gabriel C Onyema

Hey Listen To These: God did not create woman from man's head, that he should command her, nor from his feet, that she should be his slave, but rather from his side, that she should be near his heart.

How are we to understand Love from Ps. 119?

In Psalm 119:124 it says "deal with your servant according to your 'love'" but in previous verse it talks about "preserve my life according to your word" vs 37 "do good according to your word" vs 65. Also in verse 107. Why is it that he says “love” in that verse instead of “word” like in the previous verse?We know God always keeps His word. 2 Cor. 1:20 (NIV), "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ. And so through him the 'Amen' is spoken by us to the glory of God."


Marital faithfulness involves more than just sexual fidelity. Being faithful to your wife also means defending her and affirming her beauty, intelligence, and integrity at all times, particularly before other people. Faithfulness to your husband means sticking up for him, always building him up and never tearing him down. Marital fidelity means that your spouse's health, happiness, security, and welfare take a higher place in your life than anything else except your own relationship with the Lord.

How do I prevent immoral thoughts against God? By Gabriel C Onyema

   Even though all kinds of sinful thoughts may pass through our brains, it is our Christian duty not to entertain them because sinful thoughts soon become sinful deeds. When you recognize a sinful thought against God, you must immediately ask for His forgiveness and then ask Him to help you let go of every thought that is not in harmony with His character and His word.

By sincerely laying your sin before Him and asking Him to give you strength where you are weak, He will uplift you and support you.You asked why you think immoral things against God. You think these things because you are an imperfect human being, as we all are. Our imperfect fleshly mind is warring with our spiritual mind. Staying spiritually minded is difficult and not a job that we are capable of doing alone. We need God’s help.

Thursday 13 August 2015


A man once asked me “What age group of ladies should i approach if i
really want to settle down?”
The answer is not far fetched but before i answer i would
like to state emphatically that age is no factor as we have
some teenagers who are more matured mentally and
psychologically than ladies in their thirties but nevertheless
i will advice that any man who really wants to settle down
should forget approaching ladies below the age of 25years
because most of these ladies are still not sure of what they
want in a man.
Majority of ladies below 25 don’t even have enough
experience to go into marriage and will rather want to still
play around in the name of dating and if you check most
ladies who marry below the age of 25,you wil be surprised
to find out that it was a circumstantial decision as a result of
unexpected pregnancy or parental pressures to mention a
So the question is..what age group should a man consider if
he really wants to settle down and the answer is clear,i will
advice you go for ladies of 25years and above and the
higher the age the better. WHY?

7 Perfect Message You Pass When You Kiss By Gabriel Onyema; A Must Read For Couple.

Kisses send messages and are considered more meaningful
than you think they are. They send your partner numerous
messages other than a way to initiate sex or an admission
of attraction to someone.

Gabriel Chidera Onyema of Gabriel Onyema Ministries talks on 7 steps kiss may mean
kiss may mean:

1. I missed you: When you see your boyfriend for the first
‪#‎time‬ in days and plant a kiss on him, it can show him
how much you missed him and have been waiting to touch
him. Likewise, when you have to leave later that day, your
goodbye kiss can tell him how much you’re going to miss
him. Even though the kisses you give each other
throughout the day can feel amazing, the first and last
kisses of the day tend to have an intoxicating intensity to

Wednesday 22 July 2015


This year has indeed been very informative, and God has wondrously taught us His Word. I am ever privileged to be the vessel God uses to bring His Word to you, and I know that you have been richly blessed. To crown up this blessed day, we shall be examining the topic: Will you marry me?

This question is what many single ladies yearn to hear; but many single men however, find it hard to ask this question for so many reasons. Many ladies, who have had the opportunity of being asked the question, either jump at it or entirely lose the opportunity, because they do not know what to watch out for, what to say or how to say it.
Image result for will you marry me

Many men and women remain single, believing God for their own life partners in marriage, without making any effort to do that which will bring this blessing their way.  You may be wondering how possible it is to find a marriage partner, amongst so many choices. You may even begin to think that it is impossible to find the right person in a world that is full of different characters, pretenses, uncertainties and changes.

In this edition, I will be revealing to you, some Bible truths on how to find your own marriage partner. God has made some spiritual tools available in His Word on how to find a partner, but you have to search. God’s Word in Proverbs 18:20 says:  Whoso findeth a wife, findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.

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For more information about this or any Gabriel Onyema Ministries’s Service, please contact us using the information below

No. 86, Dopemu Road,Agege
Lagos State,
Tel: (234)81-3613 1740
(234)80-2586 1177

WHITE 2015

 No doubt, sunday was a great day for the congregation of winners chapel IJAIYE. It was a evening set aside to worship him in the evening. One thing about the evening was that not only was the place filled.......Titi Esun, Gabriel Onyema, Pastor Chuwuyem Kingsley, Pastor Wale were all around to make the event a huge sucess. To God be The Glory.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Accomplishment In Marriage is not a Guarantee By Gabriel Onyema

Image result for success in marriageAccomplishment in marriage is not a guarantee

I trust this title does not astonish you. An excess of individuals misrepresentation Scriptures by saying God has guaranteed them a without hitch marriage. Along these lines, they crease their hands, expecting that everything will simply fall set up, all alone. Nonetheless, I need you to comprehend that an effective marriage is not a guarantee, it is a pledge. "… Work out your own particular salvation with apprehension and trembling."

Philippians 2:12

Becoming A Great Leader.

Image result for becoming a leaderI invite you uniquely to this blog of incredible appearances. In this teaching, dear home pillars, God will trance you with weird confirmations that have never been heard in your linage. He will open interesting entryways of support to you, and all you have sat tight for, from the earliest starting point of this current or constant visit to these blog will reply to you quickly in the strong name of Jesus Christ!

In this portion of my teachings, I will be examining with you on the subject: Becoming a pioneer. Nobody ever needs to be consigned to the back, every right thinking human dependably have the fantasies of getting to be somebody awesome in life and needing to lead other individuals. On the other hand, not everybody is advantaged to accept that administration part.

To start with, you must realize that the seed of initiative has been saved in you. It is not an instance of if everybody turns into a pioneer, who will take after. No! You have been appointed to be a pioneer, and by configuration, you are to show others the right approach to go, and to convey them to the acknowledgment and the satisfaction of their predetermination in Christ. The Bible says:

What's more, the Lord should make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above just, and thou shalt not be underneath; if that thou notice unto the edicts of the Lord thy God, which I order thee this day, to watch and to do them: (Deuteronomy 28:13)

Spinster stage and Family Pressure

Image result for black spinster and family pressure
Today, I will be conveying to you a showing I have subtitled, Spinster stage and Family Pressure. I might begin by characterizing a few terms:

Who is a Spinster?

The American Heritage Dictionary characterizes an old maid as: A lady who has stayed single past the customary age for wedding or a solitary lady. Spinsterhood is a condition whereby a lady stays single past the traditional age for marriage.


The American Heritage Dictionary characterizes Pressure as: A convincing or compelling impact, for example, an ethical power, on the psyche or will. Accordingly, family weight on an old maid can be said to be a convincing impact on the psyche or will of an old maid to get hitched, as an aftereffect of her having passed the traditional age for marriage.

Becoming A Good Home Maker

Image result for becoming a better black wifeI check it an incredible benefit to impart God's Word to you today. I will be imparting to every one of you during this time on the subject, Becoming a decent companion. This week, I will be demonstrating to you best practices to be focused on your mate.

An effective marriage obliges responsibility to one's life partner. Without this, no measure of petition to God, fasting, and "resting" in chapel can take the spot of duty in marriage. Marriage is not an interim course of action, but rather a promise forever. On the off chance that this is genuine, you may ask why the separation rate is so high, even among Christians. The reason is that numerous couples are not dedicated to one another.

Responsibility is the structure on which a marriage is manufactured. A man and his wife must, in this way, be completely dedicated to one another profoundly, physically, sincerely and something else. Responsibility thus brings security.

A fruitful marriage must be select, including one man and one lady, in one life-time relationship. Every life partner must be resolved to "neglect all others".

A Word for Women, Youth And Singles, Teenagers By Pastor Faith Oyedepo


Imagine a world without women the crown of God’s creation! Woman, God created you as a unique personality, and He expects you to add colour to your world, so don’t look down on yourself! Aren’t you glad that you are a woman, the perfection of God’s works? So special is the woman that God had to rest after crafting her and handing her over to Adam, to be a suitable assistant in the garden.

Youth & Singles

Wow, I am young and still a single. I have all the time in the world to myself!, you may say. No, precious one, you don’t, because life is timed! Your youthful and single stage is the best time to secure your life, by laying a solid foundation. It is for this purpose that this column is a must read, for every youth and single, as the keys to a life of greatness shall be delivered into your hand.

Friday 10 July 2015

How to Grow the Love in Your Home

Image result for how to grow your marriageAcceptance and appreciation go hand-in-hand. When loving, it's important to not just focus on the negatives.
By Gabriel Chidera Onyema.

   " If the fastest approach to grow an affection is appreciation, the opposite is likewise genuine."

Affection is both an inclination and an activity. As an inclination, it is regularly secretive—why you adore the lady another person separated is a puzzle; why you cherish a sweet goofy gentleman your closest companion would never at any point consider dating is just as mysterious. Yet, the activity of adoration, the "doing" of affection, is not secretive by any means. The supernatural occurrence is, that as we perform the activities of adoring, the inclination of adoration (which might possibly incorporate "becoming hopelessly enamored") blooms. This is genuine whether you're in the first flush of affection, or subsided into a built up couple—the "doing" of adoration achieves the inclination of adoration.

Becoming A Better You By Gabriel Chidera Onyema

Image result for BECOMING A BETTER YOU Everyone in Life desire to be successful. Everyone in life wants to become better than the Other. Anyway the Good news is that you can actually become what you want to be.

  While Reading Oral Robert on Monday 6th July,2015, I got to understand that anyone who desire to be success must live to be success. You cannot wish your way to success,you can only work your way into. Oral Robert, In his book "When You See The Invisible,You can do the Impossible" told a story of a man who was successful and a young boy who desire the same Grace at work in the Man went to Him and told the Man, How he (The Boy) desire to be better Human. His Mentor threw him into the water (about three times). When he finally brought the boy outside the water. He told the young Man that ........"The Way You Wanted That Last Air to Survive Under Water,that is how You desire Success.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Meet Pastor Paul Enenche

Dr Pastor Paul Enenche is a trained Medical Doctor, called of God into full time ministry, with a heavy Apostolic and Prophetic mantle for the restoration of human lives and dignities. His ministrations are characterized by deep undiluted insights from the Word of God, accurate Word of Knowledge and the demonstration of the power of God in Supernatural healings, miracles, signs and wonders. His ministry is geared towards causing our generation to: Experience God’s Person and Presence in our lives,
Realize our true purpose for existence,
Comprehend our full potential in life,
Discover God’s life-changing and life-lifting principles,
Connect with God’s power to overcome the negative forces of life and above all, to
End our journey with God in eternity in Heaven and to escape the torments of hell.

Tuesday 30 June 2015

The Power Of Parental Blessing

There are certain moments in a lifetime you never forget. For me, the memories of formally receives a father’s blessing to from my father in person continues to give me joy as I recall each event.

Today, i want to share from Luke 3:22 ''You are My Son, whom i love; with You I am well Pleased.'' As a youthful grown-up, I attempted to realize that I was esteemed. I realized that I had abilities, gifts, and capacities. Be that as it may, I needed to realize that if the majority of that fell away, would regardless somebody think about me?

In attempting to find that acknowledgement, I strayed into sin. Little by little, the craving to be recognized turned out to be big to the point that it expended me. For quite a long while, I lived in defiance to God's Word.

Monday 29 June 2015

How to get Her/Him to Marry You

Image result for how to marry a christian ladyDrawing in the privilege Christian man/lady starts with being the privilege Christian lady/man.

Note; lady can likewise utilize this tips to draw each brethren into dating.

1. When you see her next time, don't simply say "howdy" say her name like "Hey (name), how are you ?" ( This functions like madt)

Be content with your singleness. Try not to be urgent to get a companion.

2. Demonstrate an enthusiasm for something she loves .

In the event that she's into drawing, and you are as well, then recommend you could draw together at some point.

In the event that she's into something that you may not be, and you would preferably be keep running over by a truck than that, don't lie and put on a show to have the same interest, yet attempt show certifiable enthusiasm for it.

You don't need to like all that she does, however she'll admire your endeavors to end up keen on what she loves.

Keeping Your Man At Home

Image result for keeping your husband at homeTo all My Home Makers am Happy to Share These ways with You. All these 21 steps were taught me by Mum.Now here are they, They worked for her,They will work for you:
1. Find his most loved pet name and call him by that.

2. Permit him practice his power as the leader of the crew.

3. Try not to test him when he is hurt.

4. Be quiet when he is furious. You can retreat to him in his

calm minute with expression of remorse and clarify why you act

that way that irritated him.

5. Rush to say " I am sad dear". At whatever point u insult

him, demand his absolution and kiss him when he does.


Image result for beautiful black christian girlsThe adage goes that there's stand out chance to make a decent initial introduction. This truism applies to all

parts of our lives, however particularly to our own appearance. Having a decent appearance doesn't mean having the most well known pattern or the most costly

apparel that exists, however being clean, slick and clean. It brings us wellbeing and amicability, it supports our self-regard

also, makes our spouses experience passionate feelings for us over and over. Who could request much else?

Looking great must be a need, this is the reason I will give you some counsel about the things you can incorporate in your every day list with a specific end goal to dependably look sure and excellent.

Saturday 27 June 2015

Meet Our President

Image result for gabriel onyema MinistriesGabriel Chidera Onyema is a young minister called to free mankind from the power of the devil and put smile in the face of the children of God.Affectionaletly called “BISHOP” by members of his family and friends.Gabriel[born March 5th 1993]is a Nigerian Christain author,preacher,president  of gabriel onyema ministries international[GOMI FOR SHORTH].and co-owner of MFG WORLD INTERNATIONAL an NGO that changes the lives of Individuals through socialization and bringing salvation to their friends.

Gabriel has been seen as one of the pioneers of christain charismatic movement in africa and has been  referred to as one of the majority love counsellors.He was named Chief Executive Editor/Officer of the Hybrid International in july 6th,2014.

Restoring A Wife's Heart

Image result for catching your husband heartYou have been smashed by your spouse's conduct, and rightly so. What would be an ideal next step? Do you stay with him? Rebuff him? Dump him? All you know is that you can't and won't contend with the pictures filling his psyche.

Furthermore, what of the feelings? These emotions are plain terrible, and you know you will need to take care of them in case you're ever to start revamping your existence with him. Be that as it may, what do you do with them? You may be wishing you could simply overlook the chaos and let these sentiments make a go at, passing them off as eruptions. So OK.

Be that as it may, regardless of the possibility that you could deal with that, something lets you know that this would be the most exceedingly terrible thing you could do. You can't put your finger on it, however you sense that the impacts of his wrongdoing reach from a long ways past the enthusiastic disarray of your injured heart. To release it appears to be stupid as well as exceptionally dangerous to everybody included.

Try not to disregard your instinct this time. You are right on target, and you must perceive the quite undeniable and tricky profound threats lying underneath the stormy feelings twirling at first glance.