Saturday 27 June 2015

All round sufficences

Image result for revgabrielonyema
Text:2 cor 12:9-10

The only sufficient thing is the grace of God.Grace means perfect strength.Your weakness is now taking over by the strength of God In Jesus Name.

Please note that the text for this Today is 2cor 9:14-15.Grace means undescribable Grace.When people explain God purpose in your life it is not Grace,cause the Grace of God cannot be explained.

God is a God of order.Without preparetion of man there cannot be the visitation of God.Ex 19:11,Amos 4:12,2 Chr 27:6.It is Grace that make Great,but the Grace of God flows through Divine guidance/direction.Divine guidance is the mandate for divine does not take time,it takes God direction. Now, As you get ready for service ensure you prepare very well. Jesus Is Lord.

Allow Him Take Control

Sons and Daughters oF God,Hear dis:Those who
hears the voice of God has no business/regard for
the noise of satan.Therefore whatever jesus
couldn't hear is not permitted to sound in your
ears.Every strong hold,holdin ur blessin is
destroyed Now.


Image result for accomplish in honorThere is nothing that we can not accomplish in honor,Gods honor.There is no place we can not go,no goal we can not reach_____if we keep an honorable attitude………………Gabriel Onyema


Stanley Edoziem ChinedumFeel happy because life is a journey and not a destination
It doesn't take takes God! Yes GOD!!!
Its rough doesn't mean it can't get smooth
It gets you sick and weird but always remember that it takes the living to make a living.
It is bad they say, but keep it bold by saying I CAN SEE THE LIFTING
You are not like it they say....SCREAM IT LOUD AND SAY "I MUST GET THERE"!!
#Marchured31......Lets bring back the hope in us!
__Stanley N. Chinedum


Here are Seven Nugget From Our President, Gabriel Chidera Onyema
Image result for revgabrielonyema1.You wake up,when you quit being so traditional minded.
2.Be careful of what you hear,for that will determine how you receive.
3.Allow what you hear from God word to become the determining factor in what you do.
4.Without the word of God in us,even though we may be doing all the right works and saying all the right things,we have no foundation for any of it.
5.What man says doesn’t really mean a thing in and of itself.
6.Let the living word be a foundation to your faith.
7.A revelation of God’s word comes from your spirit into your consciousness.


Meet Dr Becky Eneche

Dr. Becky is a native of Ikachi, Nigeria. She is a fiery woman of God and deep worshipper, with the gift of accurate prophecy. She hosts a ladies’ meeting for single and married women every Monday evening. The meetings are characterized by the Presence of God to instruct, convict, and enable women to live for God and build healthy relationships and families. She further teaches women to raise godly children who will represent God in their generation.

Called of God into ministry alongside her husband Dr. Paul, she is currently the youth pastor at DIGC Headquarters. For two years, she was also the senior pastor of one of the fastest growing satellite branches in Abuja, Nigeria. She hosts a ladies’ meeting for single and married women every Monday evening. The meetings are characterized by the Presence of God to instruct, convict, and enable women to live for God and build healthy relationships and families. She further teaches women to raise godly children who will represent God in their generation. Called of God into ministry alongside her husband Dr. Paul, she is currently the youth pastor at DIGC Headquarters. For two years, she was also the senior pastor of one of the fastest growing satellite branches in Abuja, Nigeria.

Question: “Is it right for a Christian to date or marry a non-Christian?”

Image result for christian wedding a non christianAnswer: For a Christian, dating a non-Christian is incautious, and wedding one is impossible. Second Corinthians 6:14 (KJV) lets us know not to be "unequally yoked" with an unbeliever. The symbolism is of two contrary bulls having the same yoke. As opposed to cooperating to force the heap, they would be conflicting with one another. While this entry does not particularly say marriage, it doubtlessly has suggestions for marriage. The entry goes ahead to say that there is no congruity in the middle of Christ and Belial (Satan). There can be no profound agreement in a marriage between a Christian and a non-Christian. Paul goes ahead to remind professors that they are the home of the Holy Spirit, who possesses their hearts at salvation (2 Corinthians 6:15-17). In view of that, they are to be particular from the world on the planet, yet not of the world—and no place is that more critical than in life's most close relationship—marriage.