Saturday 27 June 2015

The Big Mind

Image result for big mind A life full of ideas rules the world. The greatness of every individual is resided on the ability to see and meditate on the issues that bugs the human sphere. Great People are known for their active participation in dealing with challenges that occurs in everyday life. They are never satisfied in searching for the solution and creating life-applicable methods that could help to subside all human problems.

 These Sets of Revolutionary Armies are never relentless in drilling their Intelligent bank(Brain) in solving Humanity Aches. They are the Individuals that thrive through books,Live beyond Criticisms, Stand Boldly against Persecutions. I can Sense an Earth Shaking Revival that will spread across the four cords of the earth to unfold a new breed of giants! I can see you being enlisted among these set of  ``BIG MINDS!``.

Friday Frederick

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Standards For Discovering A Godly Spouse

Image result for how to get a godly wifeI see numerous Christians crushing themselves in the push to discover a spouse or a wife. They wear uncovering garments, stick around dance club and feel embarrassed in chapel on Sunday. Torment and edginess are driving them to blunderingly receive the methods for the world in discovering an existence accomplice. It can just prompt despair and dissatisfaction. For the majority of my grown-up life I have been single. I realize that you CAN be glad and single and that it is conceivable to blissfully WAIT . Wedding a non-Christian is not a genuine choice. I won't be talking about that here as I have composed a different article on it. This article covers standards for discovering a genuine Christian accomplice in this somewhat forlorn world.

Deal with making yourself the kind of individual that a genuine Christian might Want to wed. Be caring, dependable, affable and appealing. Have your life trained and genuine and in sensibly great request. Be brimming with adoration.

Meet Pastor Sam Adeyemi

Samuel Adeyemi is the Senior Pastor of Daystar Christian Centre, a fast growing, life changing church committed to “raising role models” based in Lagos. He is also the President of Success Power International, an NGO that among others things specializes in organizing financial, leadership and motivational seminars and is President of Daystar Leadership Academy, a leadership school for business owners and ministers of the Gospel.
He is a dynamic Pastor, Teacher and Motivational speaker and host of the popular programme – SUCCESS POWER – which airs on radio and television stations within and outside Nigeria.
He is passionate about teaching Success, Leadership and Financial principles through seminars and the media. He is a much sought after as speaker both nationally and internationally.


                    Faith understands how the creation was formed

Image result for faithSo, faith assists us to really understand the unverifiable. In other words, understanding concerning the beginning of the universe need not be a matter of speculation or personal opinion. No, faith allows for, and brings about, real understanding because faith accepts the testimony of God’s Word. And the Scriptures clearly state that God is the agent of creation. Notice Job 38:1-7, “Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said, ‘Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Now gird up your loins like a man, and I will ask you, and you instruct Me! Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding, who set its measurements, since you know? Or who stretched the line on it? On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars [the angels] sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?'” (cf. Is. 40:12ff.). For that matter, where was anybody to bear witness to how God actually brought about the creation? How often could this word of indictment and judgement be leveled against those who would speculate out of their own fallen reason and dark understanding. Remember, the uniqueness of Biblical faith is that it responds to, and acquiesces in, the truth of God. The Word of God gives birth to faith, and in that experience of faith, one knows, understands, and is convinced about the truth in view.

Building up businesses is a training ground for me – Olujumoke Ayinla, Sassysaint Boss

Olujumoke Ayinla
Mrs. Ayinla Olajumoke
CEO Sassy Saint
They say catch them young. As children, you catch them but they may not have the zeal or capability to work with it. It is when they become youths that they can go out there and manifest what they learnt since they were young.
Running a successful business as a woman takes more than just having talents or the financial backing. If you do not put yourself into improving your talents and making a go of them, they will remain dreams. It is enlightening for everybody to envision something but we would find out that dreams without work is vain.

Every business woman lives to see her works blossom through hard work and it is this that Mrs. Jumoke Ayinla depicts through every piece she creates. She is a firm believer that the learning process enables you grow as a person and a business woman. In her chat with women in business, she tells more 


Dr. Benedict Okoro
 It is another Time with Life Transforming Words, These Time Doctor Benedict Okoro talk to us on today Nugget:

  Work While others are ASLEEP so that they can WORK  watching you while you are Alseep
   In case you dont what that means..........It means that Your brain is much more active at night than during the day

Saturday 20 June 2015

Understanding The Miracle Power Of Love

Pastor Faith And Bishop David Oyedepo.

It is the Love of God that qualifies you for the Vengeance of God.

On the off chance that you are not close with Him, you will soon turn into an in-mate in the jail of life.

The mischievousness of the evil is excessively unimportant, making it impossible to hold down darlings of God. The jail is excessively frail, making it impossible to hold down solid  sweethearts of God. The villain is too little to clutch hot- significant others of God.

(Acts 16:25-26, Rom 8:35-38)