Thursday 26 November 2015


"Action to the mortals is a spontaneous effect to a course of an event. But to the immortals; it's a quick execution to judgement that can never be altered."

'Man's incapability to trap down is selfish interests is what is drawing horrors to him.' 


Keep ur feet on d ground,but let ur heart soar as high as it will.Refuse to be average or 2 surrender to d choll of ur spiritual environment.
Maturity is the ability to tink,speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity.the measure of ur maturity is how spiritual u become durin the midst of ur frustration...


Before God blesses you, you must first of all indicate yourself by 'standing out' how!?? Ask zaccheaus who climbed the sycamore tree, he stood out of the crowd and that caught JESUS.. attention. What can you do to catch Jesus attention? If you want to be blessed you must leave the crowd and stand out!!

Let Your Day Be Full Of Beautiful Expressions

Let your day be full of beautiful expressions! Keep daily your thoughts with good stuffs that would make you free from negative things. Be conscious of what goes into you and goes out from you; either pictured by you or inserted- in by others around you. In some cases, our beliefs as humans should be independent of what we hold unto not what others feel about us. Self-belief at times create a room for we to assess ourself. Rather than what others view about us. I'm not saying it is wrong for people to examine the way we live our life,but i hope its our right to reflect over our lifestyle. Thank God that we have fundamental laws that permits us to live our life the way we want it. But, we must admit this, that, a life that lack correction would end up in destruction!
nevertheless, it pays to live your life the way it pleases you and others.


I believe that Since Monday; That God has been teaching us on Vision our Understanding are been Opened. Its my prayer that before these teaching Series is over You would have got a clear picture of your God given Vision.

In Hab 2:1-4; We saw God instruction concerning Vision. In Hab 2:3C ".... Though it tarry; wait for it; because it will surely come; it will not tarry". Vision may delay; but surely; it will come to pass. The End of Every Vision is Enthronement. When You get Enthroned you get the Crown. You Therefore own Yourself the responsibility of Discovering that God Appointed Vision.

When God becomes the source of your vision; You can be sure of Enthronement. Let me say these: TRUE VISION DOES NOT SUPPORT BREAK UP OR DIVISION. NO. There is an Appointed time for his Manifestation.



We must have heard about the Two Most Powerful yet Emotional Words that relate with Babies. Which are "ABORTION" and "ADOPTION".

Well; let take it step by step. In Abortion; The baby is not allowed to Survive.It is Terminated;Killed and Forgotten; Whereas; In Adoption, a born baby who is discarded by the mother is taken and carefully care for.
But Am Not Dwelling On the biological Angle of These. What i am talking about is Your Vision. Friends; HOW MANY OF YOUR VISION HAVE YOU ABORTED?. These are the babies referred to in this Context.