Monday 14 December 2015

Understanding The Name And Symbols Of The Holy Spirit.

According to the Bible, The Holy Spirit has Four Significant Names: the Holy Spirit( Often Translated to the Holy Ghost), the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ and the Comforter. Each names has to do with a Paticular Office of the Holy Spirit. Lets look at his name, Then go on to look at his symbols.

Among the Three members of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit particularly has the office of holiness and purity, as His name Signifies. He is the Power that brings Holiness and Purity to the Believer.

Understanding The Personality of The Holy Spirit.

Let Me Beginning by Repeating what i said in the last Teaching. The Holy Spirit has all the Attributes of a Person even though He is Not Visible, He is a Person. As we concluded the Teaching Series of Who They Holy Spirit is, Let look at some biblical proofs of this:

We know The Holy Spirit is a Person because the Bible Continually uses personal pronouns to refer to the Holy Spirit. (John 15:26, 16:7,8 & 13). Lets also examine very Quickly, some functions of a person been performed by the Holy Spirit:

Continuation...FACTS ABOUT SEX

Gabriel C.U. Onyema
I want to believe the Lord is at work over your Marital destiny and purpose in life. We have no Choice than to continue from where we stop since we are set for perfection.
Relish life with the spouse you love each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is God’s gift.” Ecclesiastes 9:9

Thursday 10 December 2015


Yesterday, we understand the Holy Spirit to be Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. We went forward to see him as Eternal taking our understanding from (Heb 9:14) among others.
Today, We shall Quickly look at his person as Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent.
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNISCIENT: The Holy Spirit clearly knows all things, even the deep things of God. ( 1 Cor 2:10).
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNIPOTENT: He is the Power of the Highest and Nothing is Impossible with God. (Luke 1:35).


Who is the wonderful and marvelous Holy Spirit of Grace? To have Fellowship and Partner Together with Him we must know him well.
Through impersonal metaphors for the Holy Spirit--Fire, Wind, Water, Oil, dove, and so forth- have a biblical basis, they have been used to such an extent that some people don't really know who he actually is. Let examine some bedrock truth about Him:
Like God the Father and God the Son, the Holy Spirit is a member of the God head. The bible itself calls the Holy Spirit God. (Matt 28:19), Jesus Clearly Set the Holy Spirit in the same position as the Father and the Son. He said that the Holy Spirit had the same authority, power, and glory as the Father and the Son.


Friends; its Sad but True that the Church today is Filled with Plans and Programs for Human Interest. Worship is planned and preserved for fleshly pleasure through social association. There is little interest in hearing from the Holy Spirit, As a result, the church which should be taking care of the work of the kingdom of heaven has become wasted. It is on the brink of bankruptcy and has become an object of ridicule and reproach!
In every city, town and community there are church buildings, yet the spirit of worshippers have become empty and void.

FACTS ABOUT SEX By Gabriel Onyema

I want to believe the Lord is at work over your Marital destiny and purpose in life. We have no Choice than to continue from where we stop since we are set for perfection.
Relish life with the spouse you love each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is God’s gift.” Ecclesiastes 9:9
In 1609, a doctor named Wecker found a corpse in Bologna with two penises. There have been 80 documented cases since. No One is sure if having two penises is a good thing or simply a nuisance. Two cases of blue balls? Not fun.

Thursday 3 December 2015


Pastor. Mrs Folu Adeboye.
Mummy G.O. as she is popularly called has been a strong pillar and efficient planner that complements the efforts of her husband, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E. A. Adeboye. She is endowed with immense initiative, and great capacity for hard work. Her attributes have helped the G.O obey God’s command to be great. Mummy G.O. has not only been mother to her biological children and grandchildren, she has been mother to RCCG spiritual children and more importantly has been shouldering numerous responsibilities on behalf of the Redeemed Christian Church of God mission.


It's important to know that the Holy Spirit is the same Forever and He is with us at every moment. If the Holy Spirit is not able to work, it is because believers today betray and deny Him. They do not depend on Him and pay heed to Him.

Neglect of the Holy Spirit is what makes the powerful gospel become Old news; like antiques in a Museum. In Acts 10:1-8; We Understand that the Holy Spirits works for the deliverance of souls. in (vv 9-20) we see how he made peter not to doubt; but go to the house of the Gentile Cornelius.


Self discovery is a personal business and a pointer to a life - long fulfilling destiny. When it comes to self - discovery, people get skeptical as they begin to wonder why they need to discover themselves before entering a relationship. As a man, you need to find your purpose first, there's no point over-emphasizing on it, know why God created you first before adding a woman with another life to yourself then you become double.

Relationship means carrying another's affairs on your own affair, the case becomes worse if you as an individual is pointless, having no bearing or direction. The case becomes aggravated if you as an individual have no case to pursue, no VISION, nothing to trigger you.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Happy New Month.

You are welcome into your month of Total Accomplishment. For the LORD GOD shall thoroughly accomplish all the good Works He started from January in this December. No carry over IJN. Every thing and Every blessings that is yours shall all be given to you wholly this month. The blood of JESUS Christ has given you Power, Riches, Wisdom, Strength, Honour, Glory and blessing! Rev. 5:12. Rejoice, it is your month to Testify and Celebrate!!!!!!! Happy new month.

Gabriel C. Onyema.


Welcome to a New Month; I want to thank God for the honor given us to see this day. Many desire to see but they are no more. It is my Prayer, that the blessing of this month find fullfillmenf in your life.

I will be sharing with you this month on the Holy Spirit. Today; we shall focus on " The Communion of the Holy Spirit". What is Communion? Communion simply put is To Communicate or To Travel Together. The Splendid development in the society has made it easy for people to Communicate. As Communication and Transportation is Good for the development of the society; The Communion of the Holy Spirit( daily Communication and Constant Fellowship) is essential for our spiritual well-being.


The believer who will malter this end-time is he who is led by the Holy Spirit. The Stars Of God; The Sons of God, are those led by God, not those who stay in church, they are not those who preach 24hrs a day.

The word says The World is waiting for the Manifeastation of the sons of God. When You receive Jesus; You only receive the power to become a Son. You are just a Child. (John 1:12; Gal 4:1).
Your rightful Position can never be yours except you outgrow your childhood. Only sons can ascend thrones. Thrones are for sons not for Children.